Tuesday 28 February 2017

Coming Down The Mountain - Disability Essay Answer

The first shot shown in the clip was a bird’s eye view, looking over the two boys in their bedroom. Its shows the structure of the room and how the two boys have split personalities. One neat and structures and the other a jumble of toys and as if a rainbow has exploded, filling his half of the room with colour. This scene then leads on to a 180® tracking shot of the boy sitting on his bed. The movement is used to show the movement of his brain. The shot moves across his face representing his thought process of moving from point to point, and how he is questioning why he has these dark daydreams. The camera then moves to the young disabled boy and zooms in on his face. He is sleeping peacefully and this illustrates his purity and how innocent his intentions are, yet his brother still sees him as a burden. Later on in the clip the angles of the camera change from being on the same level for both of the boys to low shot angles as he’s about to leave him. This gives the impression that he is immature and untrustworthy, belittling him because of his disability. This is again shown when he is on the bus home as the change in usual journeys home has stressed him out and the close up shot used shows how much he is struggling and scared about what has and could possibly happen.
Throughout he clip the lighting is of a dull colour which gives the impression that the eldest boy is sad and not happy with his life. Which is also reflected in the half and half design of the bedroom. The disabled boy’s side is very bright and colourful which shows that he is happy and content with his life where as his brothers side is quite dull and dark which shows he is not happy because he has to look after his brother all the time. Stereotypes are used a lot in the clip as the older boy portrays the usual teenager traits of being unreliable- leaving the boy and potentially putting his life in danger whilst he goes off with his friends. The toys are another key point that demonstrate his child like mind, adding in another stereotype for disabled children. At the bus stop he is playing with his slinky toy and his brother is standing waiting. A child’s mind would not be able to hold concentration and would be easily distracted which is the same as the disabled boy in the scene. You can tell by the clothed that the disabled boy is wearing that he doesn’t care about the way people perceive him: baggy trousers and oversized tops. In conjunction with this, he is oblivious to the confused and sorry expressions on people’s faces when they look at him, as if simply because of his disability he isn’t entitled to the good things in life.
The two brothers are the ones given the most screen time, as they are the ones who are portraying the narrative of the clip. Although, as the clip follows the elder boys point of view he has the majority of the screen time between the two as it gives us an insight into his lifestyle and opinions. communication is a big thing that the down syndrome boy struggles with, he doesn't know how to portray his feelings or emphasis with people. in the clip this is shown by him not getting a say n what happens, he is looked after and cared for 24/7. the fade from one shot to the other, is smooth and flows, showing how the day gradually goes on. The more able character is very opinionated and doesn't need attention and caring like the other character. But he also plays on the fact that he gets no attention from his parents and blames his brother for this as he is jealous. inferring his little brother has ruined what would be a perfect life...
At the end of the clip, the music used was sad and of a disheartened tune. This is done to reflect the emotions of the boy on the bus who has been abandoned by his elder brother. Isolation and the feeling of disownment. The diegetic dialogue between the parents and the boy with down syndrome is very sympathetic, they treat him like a young child. In the kitchen the mum says "don't be so selfish" to the older brother. This infers to the audience that the boy with the disability is treated with more care than his older brother, making the elder boy not feel good enough for his family's appreciation. Furthermore, the producer uses voiceovers of the older brother who tells a story of what it is like to have a disabled brother, giving his opinion and point of view. At times the brother's tone of voice is angry and annoyed. This implies how it is frustrating for him and restricts his freedom to do things he wants to do. Adding to the hardship of having the responsibility to care for his brother. Disability is negatively depicted in the opening scene, when the brother says I want to "kill my brother" there is parallel music being played. The music is intense and portrays the anger in his feelings. This represents the contrast in emotions because the disabled brother is peaceful and does not realise how frustrated his brother is because he does not have the mental capacity to do so, is intentions are pure.

Monday 27 February 2017

Coming Down The Mountain - Disability Notes

- birds eye view, first shot, to show the rooms structure and their split personalities
- low angles shot when he's about to leave him, to show he's more immature and unworthy
- 180 pan, a tracking shot, the second shot of him on his bed, shows his brain thinking and moving from point to point
- zoom on the boy in bed, to show his purity and how innocent his intentions are
- close up on the bus, changes stress him out and the close shot shows how stressed he is and how he is struggling with the journey home.

Mise en Scene 
- dull lighting, shows sad life not happy.
-teenagers, not reliable leaves the boy on his own and potentially puts him in danger and goes off with his friend to a party.
-no makeup represents innocence.
- half and half sides of the bedroom, disabled boys side is very bright and colourful which shows that he is happy and content with his life where as his brothers side is quite dull and dark which shows he is not happy because he has t look after his brother all the time.
- at the bus stop the disabled boy is playing with his slinky toy which shows he has a child's mind we know this because his brother who isn't disabled is not playing with any toys.
-facial expressions- people looking at the disabled boy funny.
- disabled boy isn't really too bothered about what he is wearing.

- There are the two main characters who get the most screen time because its about their lives.
- The more able boy has the most screen time to show his point of view.
- The disabled boy doesn't get to show how he sees things. Typically he doesn't get a say in what happens.
- Fade from one shot to the other, it is smooth and flows. Shows how the day gradually goes on.
- The more able character is very opinionated and doesn't need attention and caring like the other character.

-In the kitchen scene the disabled boy doesn't think before he speaks. He says 'I need a poo'. this tells us that he is vulnerable an hasn't matured as a teenager.
- Also in the kitchen scene their parents talk calmly and soft towards the boy with down syndrome. --- Whereas their parents talk harshly and snap at the other brother. This shows how disabled and abled people are treated differently.
- The voiceover and the music are contrapuntal. The dialogue in the voiceover explains how
annoyed the able body boy is with his disabled brother but the music is calm and soft.
- During the conversations in the kitchen the abled boy talks a lot more than the disabled boy this tells us that in the real world disabled people don't really have a say in what goes on in society.
- The diegetic sound of the cutlery clanging against each other and the chairs scraping along the floor brings us back to the reality of them being a normal family.

Friday 24 February 2017

The Amazing Spierman 2 - Case Study

This is the case study I researched for our exam. I chose this film as it was produced by a company from the big six which mean I was able to find a lot of information about it...

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Waterloo Road Analysis

Today we looked as a clip of waterloo road with the focus being representation of age. Here are the notes that I wrote up...

Camera :
  • Conversations with the students and the teachers, the camera looks down upon the students and looks up at the teachers. Making the teacher seem as though they have a higher authority over the younger characters. For instance the first scenes when the students have been mischievous and are being told off by the teacher.
  • there's lots of still shots recording conversations. Then the camera moves with the actor when they walk away from he scene.
  • when the girl is arguing with the boy about a family scenario it is shot through a door. this shows that they're on their own and doing something that shouldn't be happening i.e. bullying
Mise en Scene:
  • Their uniforms are scruffy and not worn correctly, yet the adults have made an effort into what they look like
  • Set in a school, clearly an average comprehensive school, middle aged adults and troubled kids attend
  • Everyone cares about what they look like and what other people think of them e.g. the girl caring about the way people now perceive her family and the teacher trying on new clothes to impress the other teacher. Displaying that people don't grow out of wanting other peoples approval to increase their self worth.
  • The children feel like fighting is the answer to solve everything. society hasn't brought them up well.
  • The boys broke the camera, an adult would have taken more care
  • They use slang words as if they are a part of their vocabulary. The teachers don't showing the different ways they were brought up.
  • The teachers talk down to the students with a sarcastic tone as if they know they are better than them.
  • A Foley effect is used to add emphasis to the little sounds like the foot steps in the corridor or the clicking of the teachers fingers. This makes every action of the characters more obvious and clear to the audience on how they behave in different ways.
  • More childish words are used by the students which shows the immaturity they have compared to the adults
  • As the girl is chasing the boy down the corridor a fast passed music comes on. representing the fast thoughts and adrenaline rush that is going through her head. Kids have a lot to handle too and she's expressing her struggle to cope through fighting.
  • they cut the scenes with straight cuts as it makes the clip more realistic, considering it is representing a school.
  • the scenes are quick and change between different characters, due to there being so many kids in a school it shows how they all are noticed
  • screen time is another key point as all of the main characters all receive an equal amount of time on screen. Again this shows that they are all of equal importance in portraying a story in the show.                                                                                                                                         -  the teachers are also shown on their own controlling a large group of students representing the power they hold over them.

Thursday 2 February 2017

The Big Six - Top Films

When researching we looked into the big six and the films that they had recently produced. These were our findings...

We also looked at films that were major although that had been produced by a minor production company..